Archive for February, 2007

Ask Marilyn: Advice for Osteoporosis?

Thursday, February 8th, 2007

Ask MarilynQ: I have recently been diagnosed with osteoporosis and wondered what advice you can offer?

A: Calcium is the most prevalent mineral in the bone but other nutrients are involved in calcium absorption with magnesium playing a crucial role in the prevention and reversal of bone loss.

Include mineral rich foods in your diet; calcium, magnesium and silica are found in tinned salmon, chlorophyll rich greens, pulses, almonds and sunflower seeds. Vitamin D aids absorption of calcium and good dietary sources include egg yolk and oily fish; 20 minutes of daily sunshine will also help. Avoid fad diets and eat a healthy diet with sufficient protein, especially if you are a vegetarian.

Reduce your intake of acid-forming foods such as coffee, tea and salt which can disrupt the calcium-magnesium natural balance in your body. Developing stronger muscles through weight bearing exercise and yoga will also help protect your bones.

Take a good bone supplement containing boron to help reduce urinary excretion of both calcium and magnesium. (Osteoplus is a good combination containing calcium and magnesium citrate, zinc, boron, vitamin D3 and digestive enzymes).

Ask Marilyn: Are fish oils dangerous?

Thursday, February 8th, 2007

Ask MarilynQ: I’ve taken supplements containing fish oil for years but read somewhere that they can do more harm than good. Is this true?

A: Many people have asked me this since a major study recently came out questioning the benefits of omega 3 and in particular fish oils. In fact this study failed to take into account the many differences between the two groups of people tested (one took fish oil the other didn’t) and is far less scientifically sound than the mass of evidence about the benefits of these supplements.

Omega 3 fatty acids, of which fish oils are a major source, can dramatically decrease the risk of heart disease and fish oils are one of the supplements I routinely recommend – although eating oily fish twice a week, of course, is another good way to get the benefits of omega 3. (I take the Mega EPA supplement myself).

Ask Marilyn: Am I getting my 5-a-day?

Thursday, February 8th, 2007

Ask MarilynQ: We always hear about the importance of eating five portions of fruit and vegetables a day. I have two pieces of fruit and drink three glasses of juice a day. Am I eating enough?

A: Unfortunately not – but you’re not alone. The average UK intake of fruit and vegetables is only about 2.8 portions, despite the advice that five portions can protect against heart disease, cancer and bowel problems.

The advice about fruit and veg suggests not only at least five portions (a portion is about the size of your fist or 80g in weight) but also a variety of fruit and veg a day so you can get all the health benefits from the different vitamins, fibre and micronutrients they offer. Fruit juice will only give you one portion daily, no matter how many glasses you drink.