Dear Readers
I have been working in the field of nutrition for around thirty years and as well as being concerned about what we eat, I have also been concerned about what we put on our skin and what our skin is exposed to on a daily basis.
Did you know that the average woman uses 12 toiletries every day and applies more than 175 chemical compounds to her body in the process?
We are surrounded with chemicals that we use every day on our skin and hair, in our homes and work places, yet nobody knows the potentially harmful chemical cocktail effect these chemicals might have when combined together over a period of time.
Current research continues to show that many everyday cosmetics and toiletries for example, contain chemicals that can be carcinogenic or harmful to your body. You do not want to be polluting your body by putting potentially toxic chemicals directly onto your skin. Your skin is one of the most absorbent and porous materials in the world, and will absorb into your body anything you put on it. That is why nicotine and HRT patches work so well through the skin.
Also this becomes even more important when we think of babies and children and the effect these chemicals might have on them.
I have always chosen natural toiletries and household products for my family and sometimes it has been really hard work finding the right products and checking all the labels. With so much confusion nowadays as to what is really a ‘natural’ product I have decided to source some of the best products available and grade them depending on whether they are certified organic, contain 100% natural ingredients and for some products like hair dye that they are the most natural they can be and still be effective. You will find these Natural Living Products on www.naturalhealthpractice.com. If you know of any really good natural products you think would be useful for other women to know about then do let me know.
Kind regards

Marilyn Glenville