Herbs that can boost fertility

When having difficulty getting pregnant, many women consider natural fertility options such as herbs. Because they are natural, herbs are becoming increasingly popular natural fertility options when trying to conceive. More research needs to be done but in my opinion the following herbs can have beneficial effects when it comes to getting pregnant:

  • Agnus Castus (Chaste Tree Berry): Agnus castus can improve a woman’s chances of conceiving because it helps hormonal imbalances; it also stimulates the action of the pituitary gland, increasing progesterone and luteinising hormone production, which helps to regulate the menstrual cycle. This herb also reduces stress levels, which in turn has a beneficial impact on reproduction health and daily use promotes fertility
  • Dong Quai: this herb improves your chances of getting pregnant by balancing oestrogen and by regulating menstrual cycles. It can also improve implantation of the egg for women with autoimmune problems. However, dong quai is also a blood thinner and should therefore not be used during menstruation.
  • False Unicorn Root: this herb improves reproductive health and has a normalising effect on the ovaries.
  • Wild Yam: wild yam increases the production of progesterone and therefore increases your chances of getting pregnant. Wild yam should always be taken after ovulation occurs, as taking this herb before ovulation can actually prevent ovulation from taking place, thereby reducing fertility

It is always important to consult with a qualified practitioner about taking any herbs when trying to conceive. Also, herbs should not be taken if you are going through IVF or taking fertility drugs. Taking vitamins and minerals is fine while going through IVF.

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