Ask Marilyn – Star Question: PCOS, Insulin Resistance and the Menopause

Q: I have PCOS, am insulin resistant and showing symptoms of the menopause. I would also like to lose the fat around my middle.  Is it OK to combine the ‘fat around the middle’ supplements with ‘MenoPlus’ and ‘Black Cohosh Plus’?  I took the ‘fat around the middle’ supplements during last year and found them extremely effective so would very much like to use them again.  Also is it safe to take them for longer than the 3 months you recommend as my weight loss seemed to stall once I had stopped them?


– Anonymous, Oxford 


A: I am glad to hear that you found the ‘fat around the middle’ supplements useful last year and it is OK to take them for longer than three months.  As mentioned in the ‘Fat around the Middle’ book, you are aiming to use the Nutri Plus and Amino Plus along with the dietary and exercise recommendations, to get your waist to hip ratio lower than 0.8.  This may take longer than three months for some women as they may have more to lose.  But you are aiming at some point to not need the supplements and to maintain a good shape by eating well and exercising once you have reached your goal.


As regards the menopause, it is fine to take the MenoPlus and Black Cohosh Plus alongside the ‘fat around the middle supplements’.  You only need to take the herbs like black cohosh if you are getting symptoms and once they are gone you can stop the herbs.  The multivitamin and mineral (MenoPlus) is one you can stay on even when you have stopped the ‘fat around the middle’ supplements as this multi contains good amount of other nutrients like calcium etc which are important before, during and after the menopause for bone health. 

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