Go bananas!

It’s official: bananas are good for you. Bananas are a good source of fibre (3 grams), magnesium (32 mg), potassium (422 mg) and B6 (0.4 mg). And since foods low in sodium and rich in potassium and magnesium can help manage normal blood pressure — incorporating bananas into an overall healthy diet may reduce the risk of high blood pressure and stroke. What’s more, this nutrient packed, fat free fruit is a great source of vitamin B6, which helps boost your immune system and assists in the formation of red blood cells.


Enjoy them plain, sliced into cereal, mixed with organic live yogurt or tossed in a fruit salad to add a starchy consistency… or, peel the skin and freeze for a yummy sugar-free (only the natural sugar), frozen dessert.  Bananas and plantains can also be used as a vegetable

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