Ask Marilyn: Natural ways to control perspiration?
Wednesday, August 1st, 2007Q: With the weather hotting up, is there any natural way to control perspiration?
A: Sweating is often considered a nuisance but bear in mind that it is an essential function and your body’s way of cooling down and maintaining the right temperature. However, for some people sweating can be a source of embarrassment and stress, hormonal fluctuations and spicy food can all make the situation worse. It isn’t usually the sweat itself that is the problem but the odour that goes with it.
The smell occurs because of the bacteria of the skin, which breaks down various chemicals and toxins in the perspiration. Some people have more bacteria on their skin than others, leading to a stronger smell. From a nutritionist’s point of view strong body odour could suggest a need for detoxification. Eating more healthy fresh food, especially fruit and vegetables and avoiding foods high in saturated fat, additives and preservatives will help as can saunas and steam baths and skin brushing – which helps open up the pores.
Unfortunately, anti-perspirants are bad news because if you block pores you send the toxins back into the body. This is particularly important under the arms, where we have a major concentration of lymph nodes, which need to be free to do their work uninhibited. Use crystal deodorants or natural deodorants, also free from aluminium, available from health food shops. Or you could use a little cider vinegar under the arms – a cheap and effective way to sweat without the body odour.