Archive for the ‘Healthy Living’ Category

Natural ways to boost your energy (Continued!)

Friday, May 1st, 2009

With summer just around the corner you want to have all the energy you can to enjoy the longer days. If your energy levels aren’t as high as they should be, don’t reach for caffeine or chocolates or other stimulants to give you a boost. Try these natural energy boosters instead. Last month we looked at how simple lifestyle changes, such as adjusting the temperature of your morning shower and getting at least 30 minutes of exercise a day, can make a significant difference to your energy levels. This month we’ll take a look at some of the most effective energy-boosting supplements, beginning with that healthy-eating-and-living essential: the multi vitamin and mineral.

Get your multivitamin and mineral boost:

A healthy diet is always the basis for healthy energy levels, but because it isn’t always easy to get all the nutrients you need for optimum health in your diet, taking supplements may be extremely beneficial. Even if you eat all the ‘right foods’, modern agricultural and production processes remove much of the nutritional value. For example, almost 80 per cent of zinc, a vital mineral for energy production, is removed from wheat during the milling process to ensure that bread has a longer shelf life.

The term ‘supplement’ covers a broad range of vitamins, minerals and plant extracts that should be taken to complement – not replace – a healthy, balanced diet. The most popular supplement is the multivitamin and mineral that most nutritionists regard as a good insurance policy, which can be taken over the long term.

To maximise your energy potential you can’t afford to be deficient in any of the essential vitamins and minerals, so on top of a healthy diet you should consider taking a multivitamin and mineral supplement every day.

If you combine supplements with other energy-boosting strategies – such as healthy eating, stress management and eating a balance of fresh vegetables and fruit, whole grains, legumes, oily fish and nuts and seeds – you may be able to leave fatigue behind.

A number of vitamins and minerals help us to turn food into energy and you need them in varying amounts to feel your best during the day. So you need to make sure that your multivitamin and mineral combination contains at least vitamins A, C and the B complex, as well as calcium, chromium, manganese, magnesium, selenium and zinc. You also get what you pay for in terms of quality with supplements, so it’s better to have half a quality tablet a day than the full dose of a mediocre one. (Have a look at to see the different supplement companies that I use in the clinics).


B complex, high strength:

When it comes to energy-boosting, studies have shown that the B complex vitamins – thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), B6, B12, folic acid, pantothenic acid (B5)and biotin – are most often linked to optimum mental and physical performance.

B vitamins help turn carbohydrates into the glucose energy that fuels your cells, muscles and brain. Each of them works in a slightly different way. For example – vitamin B3, found in eggs, brewer’s yeast, nuts, sunflower seeds, whole grains and fish, helps release the energy from protein, carbohydrates and fats. It is needed to metabolise toxins and to form red blood cells and hormones. It also promotes a healthy digestive system, central nervous system and skin. Vitamin B5, found in eggs, nuts and whole grains, is needed for the conversion of carbohydrates to energy. Vitamin B6, found in avocados, bananas, fish, meat, nuts, seeds and whole grains, helps form neurotransmitters – the nerve chemicals that send messages to the brain. Vitamin B12, found in cheese, eggs, fish and yogurt, makes red blood cells that contain iron-rich haemoglobin and deliver energising oxygen to your cells. Folate or folic acid, found in leafy green vegetables, soya and whole grains, works with vitamin B12 and makes amino acids – the building blocks of life-sustaining protein.

If you aren’t getting enough B vitamins in your diet it will increase your risk of fatigue. As you get older you also need more Bs because over the years our bodies absorb less vitamin B12, even if we eat foods rich in it. Vegetarians can also often be at risk of vitamin B12 deficiency. Symptoms of B12 deficiency include headaches and fatigue.

The B vitamins work together like a team, so to supplement it is best to take a high-strength vitamin B complex supplement every day containing the whole range of B vitamins.


The energy vitamin:

The energy-boosting benefits of vitamin C go far beyond its immune system potency. Along with a host of other benefits, vitamin C makes a chemical in your body called carnitine, which is needed by your muscles to burn energy. Vitamin C is essential if you want to turn the clock back. As an antioxidant, it protects your skin from environmental damage, prevents age spots and speeds up cell renewal for a more youthful glow. It also boosts collagen production, which means fewer wrinkles. Vitamin C can also help you cope better with stress, and boost your mood and libido. When you are low in vitamin C this will show up in lethargy and fatigue.

Major sources of vitamin C are fruits (such as oranges) and vegetables (such as broccoli), but most of us simply don’t get enough vitamin C a day. As most multivitamins and minerals don’t contain enough vitamin C, supplementing separately may be one way to get your zing back. Most nutritionists recommend supplementing with 500mg twice daily.


The magic of antioxidants:

Antioxidants are substances found in vitamins and minerals that are crucial for your body to create energy from the food you eat. In addition to vitamin C (see above), vitamin E, manganese, selenium and beta-carotene (which should all be included in a quality multivitamin and mineral supplement) vital energy-boosting antioxidants that you may also want to supplement with include:

·         Alpha lipoic acid: This incredible antioxidant helps metabolise carbohydrates, proteins and fats, and keeps other energy-providing antioxidants, such as vitamin C, in your body for longer. You can get lipoic acid from foods like broccoli, but even if you eat lots of green leafy vegetables you are unlikely to get your recommended daily amount.

·         CoQ10. Co-enzyme Q10, a vitamin-like molecule present in all human tissue, is a vital catalyst for energy production because it boosts production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is the molecule that fuels all your body’s cells. Deficiency in this molecule can leave you feeling tired. Food sources include fish, broccoli and the germ portion of whole grains. Studies have shown that people can increase their stamina with a dose of 50–120 mg per day. To be effective, this supplement must be taken with food because it needs fat to be absorbed efficiently, or the Q10 supplement should contain oil for maximum absorption.

·         Zinc: Like vitamin C, zinc is a powerful immune-boosting vitamin that can also boost digestion and metabolism, and help balance your blood sugar. It is also crucial for mental alertness and a healthy libido. Low levels of zinc can leave you feeling tired and apathetic. To boost your intake eat more whole grains and make sure your multivitamin and mineral supplement contains zinc. If you don’t think you are getting enough zinc you may want to take a daily 15 mg supplement.


Power up with Carnitine:

Carnitine is a substance that can power your cells’ inner engines – the mitochondria – by carrying fatty acids across cell membranes so they can be burned as energy. Foods rich in carnitine include avocados and dairy products; the body also makes its own supply, although this does decline with age. Studies show that 1000 mg of carnitine daily can boost stamina and reduce fatigue.


Essential energy:

The essential fatty acids, omega-3 and omega-6, are crucial for healthy hormone function and blood sugar balance, and are needed by every cell in your body. They work to keep your skin smooth and soft and your mood upbeat (remember that the human brain consists of more than 50 per cent fat cells). Given that fatty acids play such a vital role in health, many researchers believe that a deficiency in essential fats, especially omega-3, is a leading cause of fatigue and poor health.

To ensure you are getting your essential fats take a supplement of Omega 3 fats containing at least 700mg EPA and 500mg DHA per day. If you are a vegetarian and don’t want to take fish oil supplements, you can take 1000mg linseed (flaxseed) oil per day. (For a good Omega 3 supplement see Omega 3 Plus on the Resources Page).

 (Next month: Boosting energy naturally with herbs)

Ask Marilyn – Star Question: How can I lower cholesterol without resorting to statins?

Friday, May 1st, 2009

Q: What would you suggest for helping to lower cholesterol before resorting to statins?


A: Last month we looked at the difference between cholesterol and fat – and that is important because we know that only about 20% of cholesterol comes from your diet and your liver produces the other 80%. Your body needs cholesterol and so does your brain because it helps to release neurotransmitters (brain chemicals) like serotonin, a feel-good neurotransmitter. As with anything in Nature you don’t want too much cholesterol, but it is also just as bad to have too little. Ideally your total cholesterol should be lower than 5 and a value between 4 – 5 is ideal. Statins can take cholesterol levels to as low as 3 and it is thought that a level lower than 4 can increase the risk of depression and even suicide. 


So what can you do to help yourself? You are aiming to do three things: 


  • Firstly, to alter the type of cholesterol you produce, so you are increasing HDL (the ‘good’ cholesterol). You do this by increasing exercise, reducing stress and introducing foods containing garlic, soya and Omega 3 essential fatty acids – such as oily fish and linseeds (flaxseeds). 
  • Secondly, to remove excess cholesterol from your body. Do this by increasing the amount of soluble fibre (found in oats, beans, fruits and vegetables), which binds to the cholesterol and stops it being re-absorbed.
  • Thirdly, to remove foods that may interfere with the production of cholesterol – e.g. alcohol, caffeine and added sugar. Alcohol because it stresses the liver, which is where cholesterol is produced. Caffeine and added sugar because they are stimulants that encourage the over production of stress hormones, which are made from cholesterol.  So the more stress hormones your body has to produce, the more cholesterol it has to produce because the stress hormones are made from cholesterol.

To make the process faster, as well as addressing what you eat and drink, add in a few supplements over three months and then get your cholesterol checked again. Add in garlic (preferably Aged Garlic), Omega 3 fish oils, plant sterols (e.g. Lestrin) and granules of lecithin (which help to lower cholesterol and raise HDL, good cholesterol). If you need help getting these supplements then go to the Resources Page.




Plants to tackle indoor pollution

Wednesday, April 1st, 2009

Industrialisation and urbanisation has cut us off from nature and filled our indoor environments with thousands of hazardous synthetic chemicals, such as formaldehyde, benzene, xylene and trichloroethylene. Furnishings and fittings, floor coverings, gas cookers and stoves, cleaning products, disinfectants, plastic bags, adhesives, paints, varnishes, air fresheners, perfumes, hair sprays, cosmetics, deodorants, shoe polish and other household items are often loaded with these synthetic chemicals that can contaminate the inside of your home by releasing harmful gases or particles in the air.


If you work in an office the pollution could be even worse. Printers, copiers, computer monitors, floor coverings, paint and wall paper all release harmful substances into the indoor atmosphere. According to the Healthy Plants in the Workplace Campaign approximately one third of indoor working spaces have an unhealthy indoor climate, and it is no surprise that illness related absence is much higher in these buildings.


Most people spend up to 90 per cent of their time indoors in modern energy efficient, tightly sealed homes that keep toxins firmly locked inside. These toxins can trigger allergic reactions and many other health problems, such as fatigue, headaches, dizziness, chemical sensitivity, sick building syndrome, skin, eye and respiratory infection, and even an increased risk of infertility.


In 1983 the US Environmental Protection Agency detected over 350 volatile organic compounds in five different buildings in Washington DC homes for the elderly, and since then other research studies have found traces of toxic chemicals in other indoor environments. NASA (The National Aeronautics and Space Administration) has been aware of the problem of indoor pollution in closed spaces since the early 1970s, but it is only recently that governments and industries have started to look at ways that buildings can be made more health friendly.


Fortunately, there are a number of ways to improve the quality of your indoor atmosphere, and perhaps the simplest and easiest is to utilise the healing power of plants. NASA research has shown that household plants can absorb harmful substances and chemical compounds in the air through tiny openings in their leaves. They also give us oxygen in exchange for our carbon dioxide and humidify the air by releasing moisture. Low humidity can cause dryness of the mouth, a blocked nose and skin and eye irritation. Plants have been shown to reduce coughing and irritation by up to 30% as well as easing headaches and fatigue. In addition, household plants can absorb noise and act as a filter for dust and dirt in the air.


And if all this wasn’t enough researchers have discovered that indoor plants can reduce stress levels and, by so doing, boost mood and enhance productivity in the work place. It seems that simply observing plants can reduce stress (indicated by physiological measures such as lowered blood pressure and heart rate). One study showed that illness related absence from work was decreased from 15% to 5% within six months when plants were placed near to the computer monitors of the workers.


So, with all these health benefits, visiting a garden centre could be a very smart move. Putting a plant on your desk or filling your home and office with plants could make all the difference to your health and well-being.  NASA research has consistently shown that living, green and flowering plants can remove several toxic chemicals from the air in building interiors. So why not use plants in your home or office to improve the quality of the air, to make it a more pleasant place to live and work – where people feel better, perform better and enjoy life more.


But which plants to choose? Which have the most ecological benefits? May I recommend the following:


Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)

The Peace Lily is a beautiful plant with dark green leaves and a white flower. It’s brilliant for removing alcohols, acetone, trichloroethylene, benzene and formaldehyde. It grows best in bright indirect light and warm temperatures. Avoid intense exposure to sunlight as it can cause wilting and wash the leaves regularly.


Mother in Law’s Tongue (Sanserieria Trifasciata)

The spiky, prongy leaves of this plant have earned it the name Mother in Law’s Tongue. It is great for humidifying the air and for removing formaldehyde. It copes best in low light and moderate temperatures and requires little watering.


Areca Palm (Chrysalidocarpus Lutescens)

A bushy plant that releases a lot of moisture into the atmosphere – judged one of the top plants for removing indoor toxins. During the summer months it needs a lot of watering, moderate to bright light and average temperatures. Don’t allow the plant to sit in water or the roots might rot, and remove stems quickly when they die to prevent rot from affecting other healthy stems.


Boston Fern (Nephrolepsis Exaltata Bostoniensis)

This popular fern is particularly good at removing air pollutants such as formaldehyde and for humidifying the air. It thrives in indirect sunlight and moderate temperatures. It needs plenty of watering; ensure the soil remains moist but don’t flood it with water.


Bamboo Palm (Chamaedorea Erumpens)

Adds moisture to the air and is also one of the top rated plants for removing benzene, trichloroethylene and formaldehyde. It needs low to medium light and well-drained, moist soil.


Janet Craig Dracaena (Dracaena deremensis)

This tall plant with long leaves is one of the best plants for removing trichloroethylene. It should be kept in medium light, in average warmth and watered every two weeks or when dry. The compost should not dry out and it should be misted regularly to keep up the humidity.


Other great indoor plants for tackling toxic substances include: Date Palm (Pheoenix Canariensis), which is particularly good at removing xylene; Elephant Eat Philodendron, which is particularly good at removing formaldehyde; Rubber Plant (Ficus Robusta), which again is effective at removing chemical toxins from indoor environments; and Spider Plant (chlorophytum Comosum), which can help remove carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides and xylene from indoor environments.


The recommendation is that you use 15 to 18 good-sized houseplants in 6 to 8-inch diameter containers to improve air quality in an average 1,800 square foot house.