Archive for the ‘Nutrition and Healthy Eating’ Category

In the News: A Healthy Diet Helps Kids’ Behaviour

Thursday, February 8th, 2007

In the News: Healthy diets help kid's behaviourChildren with behaviour difficulties and learning problems behaved better after they were offered healthier school meals and fish oil supplements, a new study has found.

It’s the latest evidence that children’s diet does affect their behaviour. In the new research 28 pupils aged 10 to 16 at the Norfolk County Council special school in Norwich were studied for six months. The pupils were offered healthier meals which contained less sugar and salt and fewer transfats, preservatives and additives and were also encouraged to take supplements containing omega 3 and omega 6 essential fatty acids.

The children’s behaviour improved dramatically compared with the previous six months. (A good liquid children’s fish oil is called OmegaBerry and as the name suggests contains fish oil and berries which gives it a pleasant taste. Many children can’t or won’t take capsules and liquids usually taste so bad children won’t swallow them – for details call 01892 507598.)

Ask Marilyn: Am I getting my 5-a-day?

Thursday, February 8th, 2007

Ask MarilynQ: We always hear about the importance of eating five portions of fruit and vegetables a day. I have two pieces of fruit and drink three glasses of juice a day. Am I eating enough?

A: Unfortunately not – but you’re not alone. The average UK intake of fruit and vegetables is only about 2.8 portions, despite the advice that five portions can protect against heart disease, cancer and bowel problems.

The advice about fruit and veg suggests not only at least five portions (a portion is about the size of your fist or 80g in weight) but also a variety of fruit and veg a day so you can get all the health benefits from the different vitamins, fibre and micronutrients they offer. Fruit juice will only give you one portion daily, no matter how many glasses you drink.

Eat up your greens and fight cancer

Tuesday, January 9th, 2007

In The News: Eat up your greens and fight cancerBrussels sprouts and cabbages have found a new role in the war against breast cancer.

They have already been suggested as possible aids in preventing the disease. Now scientists say they may also be capable of treating it. Researchers at the University of Lancaster fed cancer cells with doses of around 350mg of the natural compound 13C, roughly the same amount found in a trolley full of cabbages. When the compound was used together with common chemotherapy drugs, the tumour cells died. Although further studies are needed the potential benefits are clear. The compound 13C is also found in broccoli, cauliflower and kale.