Archive for the ‘Quick Tips’ Category

Quick Tip: steam your veg

Friday, August 1st, 2008

21%. According to the US Department of Agriculture that’s how much vitamin C is lost when you cook broccoli. To retain as many nutrients as possible don’t boil but lightly steam vegetables using small amounts of water.

Quick Tip: Chill out

Friday, August 1st, 2008

Research shows that up to 40 percent of people in the UK are seriously stressed every day of the week. Stress is a major cause of weight gain and poor health so take a break from your busy schedule to chill out. Curl up with a great book, have a soak in a relaxing aromatherapy bath and sip a warm mug of chamomile tea before bed.

An apple a day keeps fat jeans at bay

Tuesday, July 1st, 2008

Apples contain pectin, a filling, cleansing and fat busting fibre – but make sure you eat the peel, as it contains half the fibre and most of the antioxidant, anti ageing vitamin C.  So buy organic apples where possible so that you are not consuming pesticides especially when eating the skin.