May 1st, 2009
Pack of smoked mackerel fillets, skinned
2 tbsps organic natural yogurt
Large handful of chopped flat leaf parsley
Good grind of black pepper
Juice and rind from half an organic lemon
1-2tbsp organic horseradish sauce (adjust according to taste)
Put all the ingredients together in a large bowl and mash with a fork. Use a food blender if you prefer a smoother consistency. The consistency of the pate can also be adjusted by adding more or less yogurt – it is a great recipe to experiment with! Ideal on oatcakes with watercress.
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April 1st, 2009
– In the News: recent progress in the world of health
– Case Study
- This month’s case study is 35 year old ‘Abigail’ who came to the clinic with a diagnosis of endometriosis
– Ask Marilyn:
– Ingredient Spotlight:
- Cranberries – the health benefits
– Monthly meal idea:
– Miscarriage
– Indoor pollution
– Think thin
– The anti-cancer diet
- Food to help defend your body
– Cystitis
– Boosting energy
Quick tips:
– Laugh to get pregnant
- Researchers have found that women who were entertained by clowns during their fertility treatment had a 35 percent chance of conceiving, compared to the usual 20 percent
– Soya may lower your breast cancer risk
- Women with high blood levels of an oestrogen-like compound found in soya may be at lower risk of developing breast cancer
– Coming Next Month (May 2009)
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April 1st, 2009
Dear Readers

Welcome to the April issue of Natural News and only a few months now before summer is upon us.
This issue has a number of interesting articles, including one on which plants to choose to reduce the pollution exposure in your homes. Plants can absorb a number of harmful substances and chemical compounds in the air, so use them to your advantage and make your house full of greenery.
Natural ways to treat cystitis are also covered in this issue of Natural News. It is a condition that affects many women and they want to know how to treat and prevent it naturally, instead of having to take repeated courses of antibiotics.
There is also an interesting Star Letter this month on cholesterol. I see a number of patients who are confused about cholesterol and fat – and also want to know natural ways to lower their cholesterol and LDL (‘bad’ cholesterol) as they may have been told that if the cholesterol does not come down then they have to go on statins. Statins, as with any drug, carry side effects, and these can include muscle pain, tenderness and cramps.
Kind regards

Marilyn Glenville
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