Miscarriage: Reducing the risk

April 1st, 2009

Suffering a miscarriage is one of the most devastating things that can happen to a woman, and to her partner. Many women conceive easily and are not emotionally or physically prepared for the shock of losing a baby. One in four pregnancies ends in miscarriage, usually before the twelfth week of pregnancy, and it can happen without a woman even realising she is pregnant. Sometimes there is a medical reason for a miscarriage, but other women miscarry but have completely normal test results.


Some established reasons include health conditions affecting the mother, such as hormonal, immune system or blood clotting problems and anatomical abnormalities of the womb. In most cases these can be treated, resulting in a successful pregnancy. Abnormal or poor quality sperm is another reason – underlining the importance of your partner being as fit and healthy as possible when you try for a baby.


Lifestyle factors 

There are a number of diet and lifestyle changes that you and your partner can make that will reduce your risk of a miscarriage. Let’s take a look at the major risk factors that research has clearly identified.


The latest research has established that diet and lifestyle factors play an important part in preventing or increasing the risk of miscarriage. For example, a recent study published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology has suggested that drinking just two cups of coffee a day while pregnant can double the risk of miscarriage. Large scale studies like this suggest a link between coffee drinking and miscarriage, so that is why I typically advise patients attending my clinics to avoid caffeine.


The latest government recommendations also suggest avoiding alcohol while trying to conceive and during pregnancy. In my opinion, alcohol is a complete ‘no no’ when it comes to fertility and miscarriage for both men and women; not only because it can cause deficiencies in vital nutrients for fertility, such as zinc and folic acid, but also because it acts as a toxin to your partner’s sperm, to your egg and to your baby should you get pregnant.


Smoking is also a risk factor – there is an undoubted and proven increased risk of miscarriage if you smoke. It is estimated that smoking is responsible for up to 5,000 miscarriages a year. Even smoking just one cigarette a day reduces the chances of becoming pregnant and increases the likelihood of miscarriage. Passive smoking is also toxic. Research shows that it can increase the risk of miscarriage.


If your partner smokes this can have a direct impact on his sperm in terms of both quality and quantity and some experts believe that chemicals in smoke can damage the DNA in sperm, further increasing the risk of miscarriage.


Certain nutritional deficiencies, for example folic acid, iron, zinc and calcium, can significantly increase your risk of miscarriage – so it is essential to eat well and take a good fertility vitamin and mineral supplement (I use Fertility Plus for Women and Fertility Plus for Men supplements in the clinic – see the Resources Page). A diet rich in fresh whole foods, whole grains, fruit, vegetables and legumes with sufficient amounts of oily fish, nuts and seeds is especially valuable when you are trying to get and stay pregnant. You should avoid nutrient poor processed foods that are high in added sugar or artificial sweeteners, saturated and trans fats, additives and preservatives.


All women of childbearing age should take a daily dose of 400 mcg folic acid in case they fall pregnant, but if you are taking a good fertility supplement this amount of folic acid will already be included. The UK is more deficient in this nutrient than any other European country and good levels of folic acid in early pregnancy can help prevent miscarriage. Research by the Miscarriage Association has also found that two thirds of women who took prenatal supplements reduced their risk of miscarriage by 50 per cent.


What about age? 

When it comes to the risk of miscarriage age is a well-established factor. Women over 40 are five times more likely to miscarry than those aged 25 to 29. But putting into place good lifestyle, dietary and supplement changes can make a difference to the quality of your eggs, no matter what age you are. (For more information on this, see my book ‘Getting Pregnant Faster’.) However, research from the Columbia University School of Public Health in New York has found that the fertility of men also declines with age. The risk of miscarriage was three times greater when the man was aged over 35 than if he were younger than 25. It’s obvious why a woman’s ability to have a healthy pregnancy reduces with age – as women are born with a set number of eggs that age as she does – but it’s less clear why male fertility should decline as men produce fresh sperm all the time. My opinion would be that due to lifestyle factors, stress and poor diet, the man could be producing sperm that are not as healthy as when he was younger. But because men are continually producing sperm, it means that by making sure he is following a healthy diet and not deficient in any vitamins and minerals it is possible to change the quality of the sperm.


Does weight matter?

According to the Miscarriage Association Study women who are underweight with a BMI of under 18.5 per cent are up to 70 per cent more likely to miscarry. At the other end of the scale, quite literally, women who are overweight risk high blood pressure, diabetes and an increased risk of miscarriage. So if you are planning a pregnancy it really makes sense to think about how healthy both your diet and your weight are. You don’t need to be extreme and lose lots of weight as research has shown that changing your weight just a little by eating and living healthily while trying to conceive, and during your pregnancy, is beneficial.


What about exercise and sex?

Staying fit both before you get pregnant and while you are pregnant will help you cope better with the demands of pregnancy, labour and motherhood. And, contrary to popular opinion, there is no link between high intensity workouts and miscarriage. Having said that, it is always best to consult your doctor about the amount of exercise you do when you get pregnant and you should stop exercising immediately if you feel pain, shortness of breath, faint or notice any bleeding.


As far as making love is concerned studies show that sex during pregnancy does not increase your risk of miscarriage. The exception is if you have any bleeding. 



The Miscarriage Association Study also found that women under stress are more likely to miscarry, and experiencing more than two stressful or traumatic events during pregnancy trebled the risk of miscarriage. Worryingly, other studies have found that the most common stressful event was having a demanding or high stress job – especially one with high levels of public contact, such as a nurse.


Stress also affects a man’s hormone balance. Some researchers also believe that stress causes miscarriage because it triggers the production of malformed sperm or eggs if the woman is under stress. Pregnancies created by a damaged sperm or egg tend to result in miscarriages so early that you may not even realise you are pregnant and just think you are having a heavy period.


It’s important to keep things in perspective as far as stress is concerned. Women in Third World Countries who are under huge levels of stress still manage to have successful pregnancies, so getting stressed about the amount of stress in your life is futile. However, if you do find yourself feeling stressed a lot of the time – or unhappy about your relationship or your work life balance – you do need to bear in mind that this could interfere with your fertility.


Recurrent miscarriage

For many women who come to my clinic the problem is not getting pregnant but staying pregnant. All too often they have been told to keep on trying, but new research shows that if the problem is the result of an autoimmune disorder trying again and again can just make things worse. So if you have had one miscarriage already, especially if you are over the age of 35, I strongly advise you to seek advice to help you get to the root of the problem. You are welcome to contact my clinic, or see the information on the link between autoimmune disorders and miscarriage in my book ‘Getting Pregnant Faster’. Above all, don’t give up – but do get help. 


Don’t worry 

In a nutshell, even while planning to get pregnant or in the very early stages, the best thing you can do to prevent the possibility of miscarriage is to look after yourself by following a healthy diet and lifestyle. The next best thing you can do is be happy. The more worried you are about the possibility of miscarriage the more anxious and stressed you will become and, as we’ve seen, stress isn’t good news for a healthy pregnancy.


If you feel anxious, or if something is making you anxious at work or home, try a relaxing class such as yoga, or do something to distract yourself or to change your situation. Remind yourself that the majority of pregnancies turn out just fine. And if you get pregnant and feel terrible because of nausea, comfort yourself with the thought that studies show that women who suffer nausea in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy are almost 70 per cent less likely to miscarry. It seems that the worse the sickness, the better the odds of having a healthy baby. 

Quick Tip: Laugh if you’re trying to get pregnant

April 1st, 2009

Israeli researchers have found that women who were entertained by clowns during their fertility treatment had a 35 percent of conceiving, compared to the usual 20 per cent.

Plants to tackle indoor pollution

April 1st, 2009

Industrialisation and urbanisation has cut us off from nature and filled our indoor environments with thousands of hazardous synthetic chemicals, such as formaldehyde, benzene, xylene and trichloroethylene. Furnishings and fittings, floor coverings, gas cookers and stoves, cleaning products, disinfectants, plastic bags, adhesives, paints, varnishes, air fresheners, perfumes, hair sprays, cosmetics, deodorants, shoe polish and other household items are often loaded with these synthetic chemicals that can contaminate the inside of your home by releasing harmful gases or particles in the air.


If you work in an office the pollution could be even worse. Printers, copiers, computer monitors, floor coverings, paint and wall paper all release harmful substances into the indoor atmosphere. According to the Healthy Plants in the Workplace Campaign approximately one third of indoor working spaces have an unhealthy indoor climate, and it is no surprise that illness related absence is much higher in these buildings.


Most people spend up to 90 per cent of their time indoors in modern energy efficient, tightly sealed homes that keep toxins firmly locked inside. These toxins can trigger allergic reactions and many other health problems, such as fatigue, headaches, dizziness, chemical sensitivity, sick building syndrome, skin, eye and respiratory infection, and even an increased risk of infertility.


In 1983 the US Environmental Protection Agency detected over 350 volatile organic compounds in five different buildings in Washington DC homes for the elderly, and since then other research studies have found traces of toxic chemicals in other indoor environments. NASA (The National Aeronautics and Space Administration) has been aware of the problem of indoor pollution in closed spaces since the early 1970s, but it is only recently that governments and industries have started to look at ways that buildings can be made more health friendly.


Fortunately, there are a number of ways to improve the quality of your indoor atmosphere, and perhaps the simplest and easiest is to utilise the healing power of plants. NASA research has shown that household plants can absorb harmful substances and chemical compounds in the air through tiny openings in their leaves. They also give us oxygen in exchange for our carbon dioxide and humidify the air by releasing moisture. Low humidity can cause dryness of the mouth, a blocked nose and skin and eye irritation. Plants have been shown to reduce coughing and irritation by up to 30% as well as easing headaches and fatigue. In addition, household plants can absorb noise and act as a filter for dust and dirt in the air.


And if all this wasn’t enough researchers have discovered that indoor plants can reduce stress levels and, by so doing, boost mood and enhance productivity in the work place. It seems that simply observing plants can reduce stress (indicated by physiological measures such as lowered blood pressure and heart rate). One study showed that illness related absence from work was decreased from 15% to 5% within six months when plants were placed near to the computer monitors of the workers.


So, with all these health benefits, visiting a garden centre could be a very smart move. Putting a plant on your desk or filling your home and office with plants could make all the difference to your health and well-being.  NASA research has consistently shown that living, green and flowering plants can remove several toxic chemicals from the air in building interiors. So why not use plants in your home or office to improve the quality of the air, to make it a more pleasant place to live and work – where people feel better, perform better and enjoy life more.


But which plants to choose? Which have the most ecological benefits? May I recommend the following:


Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)

The Peace Lily is a beautiful plant with dark green leaves and a white flower. It’s brilliant for removing alcohols, acetone, trichloroethylene, benzene and formaldehyde. It grows best in bright indirect light and warm temperatures. Avoid intense exposure to sunlight as it can cause wilting and wash the leaves regularly.


Mother in Law’s Tongue (Sanserieria Trifasciata)

The spiky, prongy leaves of this plant have earned it the name Mother in Law’s Tongue. It is great for humidifying the air and for removing formaldehyde. It copes best in low light and moderate temperatures and requires little watering.


Areca Palm (Chrysalidocarpus Lutescens)

A bushy plant that releases a lot of moisture into the atmosphere – judged one of the top plants for removing indoor toxins. During the summer months it needs a lot of watering, moderate to bright light and average temperatures. Don’t allow the plant to sit in water or the roots might rot, and remove stems quickly when they die to prevent rot from affecting other healthy stems.


Boston Fern (Nephrolepsis Exaltata Bostoniensis)

This popular fern is particularly good at removing air pollutants such as formaldehyde and for humidifying the air. It thrives in indirect sunlight and moderate temperatures. It needs plenty of watering; ensure the soil remains moist but don’t flood it with water.


Bamboo Palm (Chamaedorea Erumpens)

Adds moisture to the air and is also one of the top rated plants for removing benzene, trichloroethylene and formaldehyde. It needs low to medium light and well-drained, moist soil.


Janet Craig Dracaena (Dracaena deremensis)

This tall plant with long leaves is one of the best plants for removing trichloroethylene. It should be kept in medium light, in average warmth and watered every two weeks or when dry. The compost should not dry out and it should be misted regularly to keep up the humidity.


Other great indoor plants for tackling toxic substances include: Date Palm (Pheoenix Canariensis), which is particularly good at removing xylene; Elephant Eat Philodendron, which is particularly good at removing formaldehyde; Rubber Plant (Ficus Robusta), which again is effective at removing chemical toxins from indoor environments; and Spider Plant (chlorophytum Comosum), which can help remove carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides and xylene from indoor environments.


The recommendation is that you use 15 to 18 good-sized houseplants in 6 to 8-inch diameter containers to improve air quality in an average 1,800 square foot house.