Letter from Marilyn (December 2008)


Dear Readers

Welcome to this December issue of Natural News.  We are well and truly into the winter now and it is so important at this time of year to protect ourselves from colds and flu.  Last month I covered the benefits of a good night’s sleep and regular exercise and this month you’ll learn how your morning shower, deep breathing and fresh air can boost your immunity.  It is important that we do all we can to help ourselves because we are exposed to bacteria and viruses every day and it is only the strength of our immune system that stops us being constantly ill. 


It was Louis Pasteur who discovered the antibiotic properties of penicillin. In the early stages of his research, he said, `In order to for you to have a disease you have to have germs’. This encouraged the conventional approach to ‘germs’ and illness. Scientists were determined to find the ‘germs’ responsible, and to get rid of them. But somewhere along the line, these scientists lost sight of the fact that our bodies can do this for themselves. If our bodies are strong and healthy, with our immune systems functioning at optimum level, we are much less likely to become ill, and when we do succumb, we heal that much more quickly. The emphasis clearly needs to be on keeping the body strong, rather than finding shortcuts to health.


Exposure to bacteria will not necessarily cause an infection. There has to be a weakness present in order for this to happen. In other words, it is the body’s ability to fight its own battle that governs whether or not we succumb to illness.


Years after making his original statement, Louis Pasteur backtracked, saying: ‘In a state of health, animals are shut off from the invasion of germs …The microbe is nothing, the terrain is everything’.  If the terrain (your body) is healthy, disease cannot take hold. Interestingly, Louis Pasteur’s work is considered to be a turning point in the treatment of disease, but his final message has been largely ignored. Conventional medicine isn’t preventative. Nutritional medicine is.  And that is what you are aiming to achieve.


Kind regards


Marilyn Glenville









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