Ask Marilyn: Apple juice for toddlers?

Ask MarilynQ: Is apple juice the best drink for toddlers?

A: Apple juice is a nutritious drink that can supply some of the health-promoting phytochemicals found in apples. But there’s no reason to use it as the main beverage, the way many parents do.

The idea that apple juice is somehow easier than citrus juice on children’s stomachs is quite untrue. The stomach’s digestive juices are far more acidic than any food or drink. Regardless of what juice is used, it is better not to dole out multiple glasses of juice between meals which can leave a toddler too full to get adequate nutrition at meals. Some snack-time juice is fine, but getting children in the habit of drinking water to satisfy thirst between meals will bring them many short- and long-term benefits. Also do not leave a baby or toddler sucking a bottle with juice in it as over the long term this can cause tooth damage.

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