Ask Marilyn: Natural scar prevention

Q: How can I minimise or prevent scaring naturally?

A: The best way to prevent scarring is to make sure the wound heals properly if you cut yourself. If you get a scrape or gash apply pressure to the area to stop the flow of blood and wipe away any dirt.

If you don’t keep the wound clean the immune system will try to engulf the foreign particles and cause pus and slow down the healing process. Rinse the cut in sterile salt water: boil filtered water, let it cool and stir in one tablespoon of salt per pint of liquid. Then mix a pinch of powdered goldenseal which is rich in antibacterial berberine and moist slippery elm bark which is a natural skin healer with a few drops of healing aloe-leaf gel to make a thick paste. Spread the paste over the surface of the wound to form a poultice.

If the cut is deep and open you may need stitches to prevent scarring as wounds left gaping are more likely to cause scars. After the cut is secure take 500 to 1000 milligrams of antioxidant vitamin C twice a day to speed the healing process. If a scar does form use can a good quality vitamin E and pierce the capsule and rub in the oil.

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