Ask Marilyn – Large weight gain before periods?

Q: Just before my period I can gain up to 7 pounds. It feels horrible. What can I do about it?


A: A couple of weeks before their period many women gain a few pounds. Some of this weight gain is temporary and is caused by fluid retention in the body resulting from hormonal changes. Sometimes, sweet food cravings during the premenstrual phase may also result in binge-eating that contributes to weight gain


There are several natural and effective ways to reduce the likelihood of weight gain during the premenstrual phase. A regular exercise routine and a balanced, nutritious diet are the most important lifestyle factors. Foods high in refined sugars should be replaced with those that are high in complex carbohydrates, protein, and fibre. Food cravings can be managed by getting adequate sleep, eating smaller and more frequent meals, limiting caffeine intake, staying well hydrated, and doing at least some exercise.


Reducing salt intake is important for minimising bloating and fluid retention. You should also make sure your diet includes plenty of B vitamins, especially vitamin B6 found in bananas, oily fish, nuts seeds and whole grains which is a tried and tested remedy for bloating. Other foods that naturally decrease water retention include bananas, apricots, beans, lentils, green leafy vegetables and fresh fruits. You may also want to try the odd cup of fennel tea. Just brew a tablespoon of fennel in a tea strainer and drink several cups a day. Fennel has anti-gas as well as antispasmodic properties making it an effective herbal remedy for bloating. It is also safe and can be used daily.

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