Archive for May, 2008

Contents Page – May 2008

Thursday, May 1st, 2008

Letter from Marilyn – May 2008

In the News: recent progress in the world of health


  • Is your thyroid making you gain weight?

Stretch marks

  • Can you prevent strech marks naturally?

Food myths

  • Debunking popular food and exercise myths

Sing in the shower!

  • Singing in the shower can help improve your health

Sunshine vitamin

  • Sunshine vitamin protects your heart and your bones

Vitamin D – How much?

Against the grain

  • Consider switching to Thai or Indian grown rice and have lower levels of arsenic

Case Study – May 2008

  • Thyroid problems

Weight loss

  • Marilyn’s top 20 weight loss commandments

Exercise takes nine years off you

Throw away the scales

  • Why it may be time to throw away the scales

Go bananas!

  • This nutrient-packed, fat-free fruit is good for you

– Ask Marilyn:

Ingredient Spotlight:

  • Cinnamon – the health benefits

Monthly Meal Idea:

  • Bircher museli

Coming Next Month (June 2008)

Letter from Marilyn – May 2008

Thursday, May 1st, 2008

MarilynDear Reader,


It always seems to make so much difference as the days get lighter.  I think it brightens everyone’s mood and also there seems more time in the day. 


With the benefits of vitamin D being covered in this issue of Natural News try to get some exposure to the sun without make up and sunscreen so that vitamin D can be manufactured through your skin.  If you are worried about osteoporosis then it is even more important to get some sunlight and even ask your doctor or contact my clinic and we can arrange a vitamin D blood test for you. 


As always I hope you enjoy this issue of Natural News with a special feature on thyroid health.  It is a problem that effects more women than men and is a common problem with women coming into the clinic.  The case study this month also features thyroid function because if you are told you have a borderline result then you can always ask your doctor to follow a wait and see approach, put into place the nutritional recommendations and then re-test to see if there has been an improvement. This is not going work for everybody but it is well worth the try over a three month period.




Kind regards




Marilyn Glenville


Coming next month (June 2008)

Thursday, May 1st, 2008

Look out for more answers from Marilyn, the latest news, case studies from the Clinic, Monthly Meal Ideas and also:


The weight loss benefits of mindful eating

Eating for a change: Five dietary changes that are essential during the menopause

Natural ways to treat vaginal infections

Homeopathic treatments for infertility

Digestion and osteoporosis

Discovering herbs: Motherwort


And, as always, much, much more …