In the News: The chips are down while onions go up!

Here’s another reason to watch your intake of chips and crisps. Eating fried food every day isn’t just bad for your waist line and your heart – it can also increase your risk of ovarian or womb cancer.

Scientists from the Maastricht University in the Netherlands believe a chemical called acrylamide, found in chips, crisps, burnt toast and grilled or barbecued meat, could be the culprit. Women with the highest amounts of acrylamide in their bodies were found to be twice as likely to have one of these cancers. All processed foods, such as chips and crisps are best avoided, but if you do decide to indulge now and again it’s best to cook chips to a golden yellow rather than a golden brown

Meanwhile a new study by the Institute of Food research has suggested that an onion a day may be all that it takes to keep heart disease at bay. Research from the Institute of Food has shown that quercetin, a compound in onions helps prevent chronic inflammation that can lead to thickening of the arteries and an increased risk of heart disease. (Quercetin can also be taken in supplement form – see the Resources Page).

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