In the News: Eating on the run increases diabetes and heart disease risk

A new study shows that skipping meals and eating on the go could increase your risk of fat around the middle, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease and diabetes.


The research from Sweden’s Karolinska Institute revealed that irregular eating has damaging effects even if a person’s diet is fairly healthy. The team studied 3,607 women and men aged 60 and tested them for signs of metabolic syndrome – a term doctors use to describe a cluster of factors that increase the risk of diabetes and heart disease. The research revealed that skipping meals increases the risk of insulin resistance – an early warning sign for diabetes – by up to 60 per cent. This can damage circulation and raise the risk of heart disease. The message of all this is clear: Keep your meal and snack times regular and consistent,  sit down when you eat and take your time. 

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