Archive for the ‘Quick Tips’ Category

Quick Tip: Soya may lower breast cancer risk

Wednesday, April 1st, 2009

Women with high blood levels of an oestrogen-like compound found in soya may be at lower risk of developing breast cancer. Researchers at the National Cancer Centre in Tokyo, Japan, followed 24,000 Japanese women aged from 40 to 90 and found that those with the highest levels of the isoflavone genistein were 65 per cent less likely to develop the disease than those with lower levels.

Quick Tip: Eat smaller fish in pregnancy if you want clever kids

Sunday, March 1st, 2009

Scientists from Harvard medical school studied 341 three year olds and found that those whose mothers had eaten at least two servings of fish a week during their pregnancy did better in tests. Fish contains omega 3 fats, which help brain development. But larger oily fish like swordfish, contains higher levels of mercury which can hinder brain development, so stick to smaller fish like salmon and mackerel or take a fish oil supplement if you’re not keen on eating oily fish.  

Quick Tip: Smile every day

Sunday, March 1st, 2009

Smiling and laughing has been shown to reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol. A study has shown that laughter can be linked to a decrease in heart rate, respiratory rate and blood pressure and researchers from Vanderbilt University in Tennesse estimate that laughing for ten to fifteen minutes a day can burn up to 50 calories.