Archive for the ‘Quick Tips’ Category

Quick Tip: Immune boosting smoothie

Sunday, March 1st, 2009

Blend five clementines, three apples and a handful of raspberries and strawberries. These fruits are all packed with vitamin C and minerals that can keep your immune system strong as the winter months finally end. Vitamin C also helps your body absorb iron from food, preventing anaemia.

Quick tip: 20%

Sunday, February 1st, 2009

Is how much 20 minutes of housework a week can cut your risk of a low mood by researchers at University College London who studied 20,000 men and women. Time to get the duster gloves on!

Quick tip: Eating for two

Sunday, February 1st, 2009

I’ve long stressed the importance of sensible and healthy weight management before and during pregnancy and now new research has suggested that women who are overweight before and during pregnancy could be ‘passing on’ their problems to their babies. Researchers believe that genetic mechanisms that control the weight of an infant may be altered if the mother is obese. And this change could lead to the baby becoming heavier than normal – and a cycle where each successive generation is heavier than the last.