Dear Readers
I hope you had a good Christmas break and welcome to this issue of Natural News which starts off another new year. Of course, with a new year our minds turn to New Year’s resolutions and how we may do things differently for the coming year. I have always thought that is better to have achievable short term goals that you can stick to, see the difference and then add some more in as you gain in confidence. It is estimated that most people only maintain their New Year’s resolution for about a week to ten days and it is thought that the problem is that people give themselves unrealistic, unachievable goals which they can’t keep up.
So take small steps; it may be that you decide to add in either an extra 30 minutes of exercise a week or if you have not been exercising you start with 30 minutes exercising a week. After a month, you can add in another 30 minutes. The same with eating healthy, start with small changes, like making sure you are eating little and often and after a couple of weeks, think about eliminating caffeine. As your health improves you will find that you will have the energy to do more exercise and to make better choices with your food. It all becomes a positive circle rather than a negative one.
Included in this issue of Natural News is more information on boosting your immune function to keep you healthy over the winter months and how to keep your mood up during the long dark days. I hope you enjoy the recipe of stuffed pears as it is good to have some sweet foods but they do not have to be loaded with sugar. If you have any favourite recipes that you are happy to share do send them in and may be say a few words as to what you like best about them.
Kind regards

Marilyn Glenville